Learn to Recognize Graphics from Price Action Techniques
One way to predict the direction of price movements is by a popular method of technical analysis. Basically, technical analysis uses charts (charts) of historical price movements to predict the direction of prices in the future.
Learn to Recognize Graphics from Price Action Techniques |
All financial markets generate data on market price movements over different time periods. This data is then displayed in a graph on the monitor screen.
By using Price Action at least this model gives us a warning not to take a long position when the price forms a new low. Mistakes that often occur in taking positions are prices seem to be very cheap (take buy), whereas by using Price Action analysis we can avoid position taking errors.
You can develop an accurate Break Out and Reversal strategy by identifying movements on Support and Resistance. Support and Resistance will be explained in the next article.
This is the function of technical indicators that will help analyze price movements. But unfortunately, there is no technical indicator that is 100% accurate in predicting the direction of price movements. Technical indicators use historical data to predict the direction of future price movements. Then the question becomes, will the behavior of the market in the future be the same as in the past? This is where the role of Price Action will be an additional weapon that helps predict the direction of price movements.
Price action is the price movement of an asset or a currency pair. A price Action analysis is a method by which investors and traders attempt to find patterns in price movements that at first glance appear random.
Price Action reflects all the variables that affect the market in a given period of time, including data and economic news. Economic events and news as commonly seen in the Economic Calendar (market sentiment) are catalysts for price movements in the market.
Price movements reflected in Price Action provide all the signals you need to develop a profitable and high probability trading system.
These signals are collectively the Price Action method. Therefore the availability of data, the impact analysis of events, and the understanding of market behavior will help produce trading strategies with a high degree of accuracy.
Basic Application of Price Action Analysis
In order not to fall into the malpractice of trading with Price Action, you must first understand that Price Action is basically used only as a tool, and not as a final determinant.
Price Action Steps
Market conditions are generally divided into two types; trending and consolidating (sideways). Price action can help us identify these conditions by paying attention to their High and Low prices.
So, what do you mean?
Price movements on the chart will generally always leave traces with price points that you should consider before opening or ending a position. Price Action is used as a "magnifying glass" to help identify market conditions (trending or consolidation) and where key points of resistance and support are likely to affect the direction of the price return.
Trending market conditions themselves are further divided into two types; Uptrend and downtrend. Uptrends can be identified from high rising price points (HH, higher highs) and low rising prices (HL, higher lows). While Downtrend is identified from high low prices (LH, lower highs) and low lows (LL, lower lows).
Still, on the same chart, the GBP/USD currency pair but in the smaller Time Frame is daily.
Difficulty determining where HH, HL, LH, and LL are due to their "zigzagging" positions? If yes, then at that time you are facing consolidated market conditions (sideways).
The process of identifying the above market conditions can help a trader's decision to open a position based on trading style as well as risk management. For example, a trend trader identifies an opportunity when the price is expected to break through resistance.
Trend traders will usually stay in one position until the trend expectations of price movements change. While swing traders take advantage of volatile moving prices in a range of areas or ranges. Swing traders see buying potential on support and selling on resistance.
2. Identify Support and Resistance Points
The second important point of the price action application is to know the price points of support, resistance, and key levels. Analysis of key levels (key levels) or market confluent levels is used for price action setup in taking positions. These price points are vital for their usefulness because the sustainability of a trend will most likely return to direction because of the "recurring" nature of the market.
Due to the repetitive nature of market participants and the way they react to global economic variables, Price Action tends to repeat itself in a variety of patterns. Then these patterns are called Price Action strategies.
Repeated price movement patterns or Price Action setups reflect changes or continuations of market sentiment. This means that by studying Price Action will be able to get a prediction of where the next price will go.
To start learning Price Action can use support and resistance analysis and then look for the setup or pattern of Price Action that occurs. An example on the GBP/USD currency pair chart, Time Frame Daily after the Brexit event.
By using Price Action at least this model gives us a warning not to take a long position when the price forms a new low. Mistakes that often occur in taking positions are prices seem to be very cheap (take buy), whereas by using Price Action analysis we can avoid position taking errors.
You can develop an accurate Break Out and Reversal strategy by identifying movements on Support and Resistance.
3. Use Trading Tools in Identifying Key Levels
To facilitate in decision making there are actually many supporting trading tools that can be utilized. For traders who want to learn Price Action can use support tools such as AUTOCHARTIST and DELKOS that can identify Key Levels, Price Patterns, Market Sentiment, and Price Volatility Analysis automatically. There is no need to manually determine important levels in a chart to avoid counting errors.
Price Action strategies can be used on many financial instruments such as forex, commodities, indices, and stocks. Trading tools available today are also very helpful in analyzing the direction of price movements. You do not need to bother manually calculating the manual of important levels (key levels) on the price movement chart.